Offers & Counter-Offers

While negotiations are typically considered confidential, it is appropriate to release a very brief summary of the informal exchanges that have occured since contract termination. I believe that it is in my interest, and in the interest of Hârn-lovers everywhere, that CGI continue to publish Hârnic modules.

I have offered CGI a new license which would enable them to continue selling their existing inventory, and to produce new material. I have even offered them a 'royalty holiday' for one year (after which they would resume paying royalties). CGI has rejected this offer.

CGI has suggested that they be allowed to publish Hârn/HârnMaster material as they deem fit, without paying any royalties to myself (the creator of Hârn/HârnMaster). I believe that the creator of a publication should be entitled to benefit from his work, so I have been obliged to reject this idea.

Because of the cost of cross-border litigation, it is almost certain that the matter will be resolved via the 'court of public opinion'. Columbia Games has no real need to negotiate until such time as contributors and/or customers force them to do so. Persons who support CGI's position in this matter, by contributing material for publication or by purchasing products published by CGI, are giving the company the impression that it is acceptable to the fans that CGI publish my work without compensating its creator.

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